Experienced Portsmouth RI Criminal Defense Attorney Ready to Defend Your Case
Facing criminal charges in Portsmouth, Rhode Island can lead to a long confusing process with the criminal justice system. In order to make sure that you’re taking the right steps and aggressively defending your case, you need to contact a Portsmouth criminal defense attorney. Working with a defense lawyer that knows how prosecutors and law enforcement officers operate in Portsmouth can be a huge advantage. To speak with Portsmouth’s top criminal defense attorney, contact The Law Offices of S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq. to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case and move forward with confidence.
Benefits of Working with a Portsmouth, RI Criminal Defense Lawyer
Being arrested is a daunting and complex experience. Many offenders wonder if it’s necessary to hire a criminal defense attorney instead of working with a public defender. Here are the top reasons why it’s highly recommended to work with Portsmouth criminal defense lawyer, S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq.:
- He’s familiar with Portsmouth and understands how prosecutors, police, and other law enforcement officers operate, offering a strong and powerful perspective for clients.
- He’s completely committed to his clients and is available 24/7.
- He’s experienced in all areas of criminal defense.
- He has a long history of successful results from cases that cover various criminal charges and hundreds of 5-star online reviews.
- He guides you through every step of the criminal justice process.
- He provides an aggressive defense that can potentially lead to charges being dropped or penalties minimized.
What Happens if You’re Charged with a Felony in Portsmouth
It’s important for clients to understand the penalties and punishments for felony charges. While every criminal case is unique and penalties will vary depending on circumstances surrounding each charge, keep in mind that Rhode Island has a minimum penalty of at least one year in prison for felony charges and over $1000 in fines. Felonies are the most serious crimes you can commit in Rhode Island and judges will likely serve harsh punishments to those who violate the law. Your best chance at a strong defense is to work with a skilled and experienced Portsmouth criminal defense lawyer. The Law Offices of S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq. can help you understand your charges and make sure a Portsmouth defense attorney is there to guide you through every stage of your case.
What Happens if You’re Charged with a Misdemeanor in Portsmouth
Misdemeanors are considered lower-level offenses. A misdemeanor charge may not be as serious as a felony, but you still run the risk of facing jail time and expensive fines with a misdemeanor conviction. Misdemeanor charges can lead to up to one year in jail and up to $500 in fines. It’s highly advised to work closely with a Portsmouth criminal defense lawyer if you’re charged with a misdemeanor or even a petty misdemeanor. Contact The Law Offices of S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq. today to discuss your misdemeanor charge and learn more about common defense strategies for your case.
Getting a Criminal Charge Expunged
Did you know that a Portsmouth criminal defense lawyer can also help you get a criminal charge or conviction expunged? Expungement can offer a lot of benefits to those who face obstacles due to their criminal record. If you’re having a hard time getting a loan, signing a lease, or finding a job due to criminal background checks, contact The Law Offices of S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq. today. We can help you assess if you qualify for expungement and walk you through the expungement procedures.
Areas of Criminal Defense Service
The Law Offices of S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq. defends clients charged with offenses such as:
- Portsmouth DUI Lawyer
- Portsmouth Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Lawyer
- Portsmouth Disorderly Conduct Lawyer
- Portsmouth Marijuana Lawyer
- Portsmouth Breathalyzer Refusal Lawyer
- Portsmouth Drug Defense Lawyer
- Portsmouth Assault and Battery Lawyer
- Portsmouth Prostitution and Solicitation Lawyer
- Portsmouth Expungement Lawyer
- Portsmouth Traffic Violations Lawyer
- Portsmouth Violent Crimes Lawyer
- Portsmouth Shoplifting Lawyer
- Portsmouth Larceny/Embezzlement Crimes Lawyer
- Portsmouth Gun Lawyer
- Portsmouth Bail Hearings Lawyer
- Portsmouth Juvenile Lawyer
- Portsmouth Drug Possession Lawyer
- Portsmouth Domestic Violence Lawyer
- Portsmouth White-Collar Crimes Lawyer
Contact Portsmouth Criminal Lawyer S. Joshua Macktaz Esq.
Portsmouth Criminal Defense Office
Portsmouth Criminal Lawyer
Criminal Defense Attorney S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq.
- 37 Bellevue Ave
Newport , RI 02840 - (401) 861-1155
S. Joshua Macktaz, Esq. has decades of experience defending those in the Portsmouth area in Rhode Island. He’s ready and willing to take your case. Call 401.324.2992 today and get the legal support and defense plan you need.