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10 Facts About DUIs During The Holidays

It’s probably no surprise to anyone that drunk driving incidents spike during the holiday season. With holiday cheer spreading from office parties to family gatherings, your chances of having one too many and getting behind the wheel increase expon ...

When Is a DUI a Felony?

Driving under the influence can be a grave charge. Do you know the circumstances when is a DUI a felony or a misdemeanor? In Rhode Island, DUI charges can fall under either classification depending on the conditions that are involved. It’s importan ...

5 Craziest DUI Stories This Year

Driving under the influence is often deadly. Of course, the craziest DUI stories that don’t end tragically also end up in the news. If you want to avoid heartache and embarrassment, make sure you don’t get behind the wheel when you’ve had too m ...

What Happens When You Get Your 2nd DUI Offense

If you’ve received your 2nd DUI offense in Rhode Island, now is the time to speak with an experienced DUI attorney who can help you with your case. No two cases are the same, but there are mandatory fines and penalties for multiple DUIs that you ne ...

Common Mistakes Made After Car Accidents

The actions that you take after a car accident can change your life. Those actions can directly affect how much compensation you receive for the insurance claim. Unfortunately, most people don’t know the proper procedures to take after car accident ...

New Breathalyzer Test for Marijuana

You’re probably familiar with the fact that a breathalyzer test exists for alcohol. And if you’ve ever been pulled over for suspicion of DUI, you know this to be true via some costly firsthand experience. However, did you know that a new breathal ...

Shoplifting Charges: What They Mean For You

It’s pretty commonplace to hear about shoplifting on the news and see it portrayed in entertainment. You have probably seen news stories about how people would shoplift from local stores and sell their ill-gotten gains on eBay. There was almost an ...

Preparing for a Parole Hearing

If you have a parole hearing approaching, then you might have a few questions. Many people have misconceptions about parole. Before you go to your hearing, you should learn the facts about parole. Here is everything that you should know about parole ...

Hollywood Sexual Assault Cases

Sexual Assault Accusations With more and more high-profile, Hollywood sexual assault cases coming to light, it’s essential to keep up to date with the latest news surrounding them. It doesn’t always seem like it, but keeping up with celebritie ...

Prostitution Solicitation: Boundaries to Never Cross

Prostitution solicitation usually includes two people but may involve a combination of three parties. There is the prostitute, the person offering to perform a sex act in exchange for some form of payment. There is the client, the person offering to ...