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The Three Types of BAC Tests

examine the three most common types of BAC tests in Rhode Island, potential issues with these tests, and what to do if you’ve been charged with a DUI through these methods. What is BAC?  BAC stands for blood alcohol content or blood alcohol c ...

Does a DUI Show On Your Background Check

After a first DUI offense, many people have questions about background checks. Everyone knows there are direct penalties and consequences of a DUI conviction. For instance, most are aware that a DUI can result in expensive fines and a suspended licen ...

What Happens in A Rhode Island DUI Arraignment?

An arrest for a DUI means you’ve landed yourself in some serious trouble, and there are several things that are going to happen. An important part of the process is your Rhode Island DUI arraignment. Obviously, there is a lot on the line with a ...

Are Rhode Island DUI Checkpoints Constitutional?

In the state of Rhode Island, DUI checkpoints are legal. These stops, also known as “mobile checkpoints” or “roadblocks” are traffic stops not instigated by individual suspicions. While the locations of the roadblocks are supposed to be rando ...

Can I Get A Hardship License in Rhode Island?

If you have recently gotten a DUI, your ability to travel to work and earn a living is at risk. While public transportation can be a viable option, it is often too expensive or does not coincide with your schedule. Rhode Island citizens facing a DUI ...

Can You Get a DUI Based on an Anonymous Tip?

Whether you can get a DUI based on an anonymous tip is point of contention among law practitioners and those suffering the consequences of DUI charges. To some, the answer is clear. But for most of us, there is a grey area where police officers walk ...

Civil Rights of a Criminal Defendant in Rhode Island

Are you a criminal defendant in Rhode Island seeking the aid of an experienced attorney? Unfortunately, Rhode Island criminals get a bad rap, regardless of whether they are innocent. Once police officers label you a criminal, it can be difficult to c ...

10 Facts About Expunging Your Record in Rhode Island

If you have a conviction on your record, it may be in your best interest to have your record expunged. People with convictions on their record will face challenges when applying for anything that involves a criminal background check. Many individuals ...

10 Facts About Drunk Driving on Super Bowl Sunday

It’s finally time for the Super Bowl! A day of celebration for the game of football, superior teams, and bragging rights until next season. Of course, it should also be noted that Super Bowl Sunday is also a night filled with DUI arrests. It’s pr ...

How to Expunge Your DUI in Rhode Island

If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you’re probably familiar with the many disadvantages of having this charge on your record. Long after your community service hours are completed, fines are paid, and your license is reinstated, you can still fac ...